ENG1 Seafarers Examinations

Referral Form

Consent Form
Information about sickness acsence referrals for employees

Occupational Health Services

Under the 1974 Health and Safety at Work Act employers have a duty to take reasonable care to ensure the safety, health and welfare of their employees. Enabling regulations, such as The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations, have followed the Act, specifying actions that employers must take to ensure safety.

Occupational Disease and Accidents

It makes sense to ensure that your employees work in safety. Absenteeism due to occupational disease or accident is very costly, and occupational disease and accidents leave the employer open to both criminal and civil prosecution.

Sickness Absenteeism

In the UK approximately 8.4 days per staff-year are lost through sickness absenteeism. It has been calculated that absenteeism costs the employer £500 per employee per year - that is all employees, not just those who have been absent! Employees who have had spells off work of more than 20 days account for more than half of the total number lost days. An Occupational Health Service can help you to provide a safe environment for your employees and can reduce sickness absenteeism by identifying problem areas and by helping people get back to work earlier.

How much will an Occupational Health service cost?

The cost depends entirely on the number of services that we provide and the number of employees that you have. We will provide you with an estimate of the cost at a very early stage. If you are interested in our services please contact us and we will be pleased to make an appointment to see you.

Occupational Health Activities

Here are examples of the services that we can provide for your company:

  • Risk Assessment - We can visit your workplace and carry out a full assessment of the risks of occupational disease or injury to your employees. The risks include risk of slips, trips and falls, exposure to chemicals and noise, and musculo-skeletal problems resulting from awkward working positions or incorrect handling. The risks are quantified and you will be advised on the action you need to take for the well being of your workforce and to comply with the law.
  • Health Surveillance - If your employees are exposed to any hazards we will advise you on suitable health surveillance so that you can ensure that the exposure is not causing them harm. Often a suitably trained responsible person or a nurse can carry out the surveillance.
  • Sickness Absenteeism - We can analyse your sickness absenteeism records for trends of absenteeism, and if trends are present we can advise you appropriately. We can also advise you on return to work policies and rehabilitation. Medical examinations or interviews after return to work can ensure that the employee is coping and can highlight areas where change to the working environment or practice might be of benefit.
  • Pre-employment Medical Assessments - can be useful for checking that an individual is fit for the work he or she is to do. They can also be helpful in tailoring the workplace to any medical problems that an employee has. The assessments are often simply questionnaires that we can help you to design. We can provide more in depth assessment should the questionnaires reveal any potential problems.
  • Statutory Medical Examinations - for example HGV licence medicals
  • Health Screening - We can arrange to screen your workforce for conditions such as Hypertension (high blood pressure), Hypercholesterolaemia (high cholesterol) and diabetes. We can also do heart attack and stroke risk assessments - see our page on these assessments. In order to minimise disruption to your workplace, will carry out the screening on site (provided that you have a suitable room).
  • Health Promotion - The workplace is increasingly seen to be a good place to promote a healthy lifestyle. We can either provide health promotion sessions for your employees, or we can help you set up your own system. If you are interested in any of the above, please contact us in order to discuss your requirements.

If you are interested in any of the above, please contact us to discuss your requirements.