Occupational Medicine
Health Checks
The Comprehensive Screen
Health Check for Men
Health Check for Women
Heart Attack and Stroke Risk
Other Services
Glossary of Tests
ENG1 Seafarers Examinations

The Health Check for Men

Coronary Heart Disease is the western world's biggest killer - see our page on the Assessment of Heart Attack and Stroke. There is a great deal that you can do to minimise the risks - we'll assess your risks and advise you.

If you are having problems with Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence), we can help. One in three men will suffer this problem at some time in their life, and recent advances have made its treatment far better.

The aim of the Health Check for Men to see if you have any risks for heart disease and stroke and to screen you for high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, prostate cancer and testicular cancer. You do not need a referral from your GP. The examination takes approximately 45 minutes and consists of:

Your Medical History:

  • Your medical history including any health concerns that you have
  • Your family medical history, with particular attention to any heart disease running in the family
  • We will ask you if you have any problems with Impotence

The Examination*:

  • Height, weight and Body Mass Index calculation (BMI)
  • Examination of the pulse, blood pressure, heart, lungs and abdomen and peripheral blood vessels
  • Testicular examination (plus instruction on how to examine yourself)
  • Rectal examination to examine the prostate and rectum (offered to men over 50)
  • Urine test for sugar, protein and blood

Blood tests:

We will use the information from the examination to calculate your risks of heart attack, stroke and diabetes over the next ten years using the QRISK3 algorithm and then write to you to give you your results and our recommendations

*You are free to decline any part of the examination if you wish